New page: The Magic Pen

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4 Responses to “New page: The Magic Pen”

  1. Kelly says:

    hey dylan, your right, i didn’t see this coming!

    I like the change in direction a great deal.

    Was this what you planned originally when the Magic Pen appeared in Atlas…or has the introduction of colour changed your approach to the story? The tones for The King of Mars really add something and i wondered if the possibilities offered by colour has pushed you in new directions?

    looking forward to the next episode


  2. Ha ha – glad I took you by surprise!

    This was the plan all along – in fact, all the stuff in chapters 1-2 emerged in my mind some time after the stuff from here on.

    Actually, everything up to this point was drawn some time ago (before I considered colouring the story) – as was the title page for Chapter four. So the pages from that point on will be the first pages drawn knowing it would be coloured.

    I’m still trying to draw for B&W first, though, and then add colour after the fact. Partly because it’s being serialised in a magazine in Spain in B&W, and partly because I think the art is better overall when I think that way. Keeps me from getting lazy with the linework…

  3. Kelly Sheehan says:

    ben said something similar about his linework the other day. he noted having dave stewart colouring kept him honest with his pencilling and inking since he could not cover up any goofs later on. if he wants something on the page he had to make sure its there.

    that interesting about the Spanish mag. i’ve always been curious about the amount of different areas (internationally) a single story can appear in. i take they approached you?

  4. Yep. It’s an anthology comic called Barsowia, published in Galician (a regional language in Spain):

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