UPDATE: Wow! So many of you wanted drawings I got enough orders in a few hours to keep me busy for some time! So I’ve had to suspend the offer while I draw my way through the pile of orders. Apologies if you missed out, but I may do a similar offer some time in the future, if time allows. Many thanks to everyone who requested a drawing. This is fun!
Also, I’m still available, as always, for more substantial (and – er – expensive) commissions. Feel free to email me to ask about that. Otherwise, follow me on Twitter or Facebook to be notified of future offers like this.
I’m in the mood for drawing! Plus I recently got some new watercolours and I’m keen to try them out. Plus, y’know, bills to pay etc etc.
So here’s the deal:
Tell me what to draw and I’ll draw it: one of my characters, someone else’s character, something sweet, silly or even downright rude (you’ve seen The Magic Pen, right?). If it’s too complicated or tricky, I’ll let you know – but actually, I feel like flexing those sketchin’ muscles, so bring it on! And of course, if you can’t think of anything, I’ll just draw whatever I feel like.
I’ll then send you the original drawing, for you to hang on the wall or file in a drawer or give to a loved one or use as a bookmark or whatever else you want to do with it.*
The prices – did I mention they’re ridiculously low? – are only $50 for a colour drawing or $30 for black & white (+ $8 postage and packaging). All drawings will be on A5 paper (148.5mm x 210mm or 5.8 x 8.3 inches).
Now, those are not my usual prices. Hell, no! This is, you see, a one-off special Dylan’s In the Mood deal that will only last until I get too busy with real work or my hands are too sore to pick up a brush. So strike now while the pencil is sharp and TELL ME WHAT TO DRAW!
All prices are in US Dollars.
Postage & packing (to anywhere) is $8.
These are sketches, not fully-fledged commissions. If you want something more substantial, just drop me a line and let’s talk.
Copyright in the drawings is retained by me, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (i.e. you’re welcome to share, copy and remix them, so long as it’s non-commercial and you give credit).
If anyone has problems with the PayPal buttons, send me an email (click on the “contact” link on the masthead) and I’ll sort something out.
Still taking orders, but be warned, you might have to wait a couple of weeks for your drawing. An orderly queue is forming. 🙂