Dull Care – introduction
January 31st, 2009

Dull Care – introduction

Little Nemo 1905-2005: Un Siecle de RevesThis is a story I drew for a beautiful book called Little Nemo 1905-2005: Un Siècle de Rêves, edited by Benôit Peeters and published in French by Les Impressions Nouvelles in 2005 (there are also Spanish and Italian editions). This enormous book (it’s nearly 34cm tall) includes rare work by Winsor McCay, essays by comics scholars and tribute strips by cartoonists from around the world, including David B., Lorenzo Mattotti, Moebius, Katsuhiro Otomo, Art Spiegelman, Craig Thompson and more.

For my story, I decided to do a wordless account of McCay’s career, as I saw it. My main source of information was John Canemaker’s biography of McCay. In print, the story was four pages long, but for online reading, I’ve split those pages into individual panels wherever possible.

One Comment...

  1. John

    Being one of the many glum watchers for Atlas #4, it was very cheering to find this site (while googling for opinions about John Canemaker’s book – ‘Hicksville’ started me reading comics again, so I only got Danton’s references retrospectively). Thank you for posting this lovely comic.