At The Great Blend with Emily Perkins

Tomorrow evening in Auckland, I’ll be presenting a new comic with co-conspirator Emily Perkins at The Orcon Great Blend 2010. The Great Blend is an occasional event put together by Public Address and Orcon, and this time the theme is collaboration. Organiser Russell Brown put various artists, writers and other creative miscreants into pairs, urging us to create some kind of collaborative work for the occasion.

My team-mate was novelist, short storyist, creative writing teacher and all-round literary star Emily Perkins, who enthusiastically embraced my suggestion that we do a jam comic together – a conversation in words and pictures on the topic of why we write. Every day for a month, one of us drew a panel and emailed it to the other, who then replied the following day with their own panel. Although she claimed she hadn’t drawn anything since school, Emily launched into the task with gusto. And it turns out she can really draw! Our conversation took place as much through the images as the text, and by the end I was simultaneously exhausted and energised!

So anyway, the final result is a 32-page mini-comic (with one large panel per page), which we will read live at the Civic Wintergarden tomorrow evening. We’ll also have copies of the mini to sell on the night. If you’re in Auckland and want to come along, the event is free but you have to RSVP to get a seat (Update: IT’S FULL! SORRY). Hopefully, there’ll be some copies of the mini left afterwards, and maybe we’ll put the conversation online some time too…?

3 Responses to “At The Great Blend with Emily Perkins”

  1. Isaac says:

    I really hope you’ll be able to put the mini / conversation online, or at least print copies to sell to those of us who are nowhere near the Antipodes.

  2. Craig Ranapia says:

    Really looking forward to meeting you and Emily tomorrow night — your collaboration is pure gravy. I like gravy though…

  3. Isaac: yep. I have copies to sell here – will post about it next week. Online plans are afoot.

    Craig: sorry we didn’t meet! It was hectic! Hugely fun, but hectic… 🙂

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