Another page at half price, while I work at getting my online shop set up.
This one’s the original art for Hicksville page 115.
Sam is at Dick Burger’s birthday party, feeling awkward and out of place. I’m quite fond of this page. Some highlights include:
Cincinnati Walker’s first appearance (Cincinnati is one of my favourite characters. I’ve planned a whole story about her & Sam set a few years after Hicksville, which I hope to draw one day).
Stan Lee cameo in panel 1.
You can see where I fixed up a spelling mistake in Cincinnati’s name. Also where I had second thoughts and whited out a tattoo on her right shoulder.
OK, so if you want this page, hit the Paypal link below: (Sorry – someone bought it already)
Hicksville page 115
(marker pen & white-out on ivory board)
430mm x 292mm, 16.9 x 11.5 inches
US $ 79
(including postage)